Equine Rarities


All definitions are taken from Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, unless otherwise specified.

Unicorn (yoo-nee-korn)
A mythical creature resembling a horse and having a single horn in the center of its forehead: often symbolic of chastity or purity, capable of being tamed by a virgin, and usually successful in evading capture.
The constellation "Monoceros".
Similar creatures: Kirin of Japan; K'i-lin of China; Karkadann or Karg of Persia

The Mystical World of Unicorns
Adriana's Unicorn Page
Geoff's Unicorn Page
Lady of the Unicorns
Unicorn Dream
The Last Unicorn-Book and Movie
The Unicorn-A poem by Shel Silverstein

Pegasus (peg-a-sus) Classical Mythology
A winged horse, created from the blood of Medusa, which opened the spring of Hippocrene with a stroke of its hoof, and which carried Bellerophon in his attack on the Chimera.
The constellation "The Winged Horse".

~Other Horsey Creatures~

Centaur (sen-tar) Classical Mythology
One of a race of monsters having the head, trunk, and arms of a man, and the body and legs of a horse. Chiron was the most famous of these.
The constellation "Centaurus".

The Centaur Compendium
Centaurs Gatherum
EarlWerks All-Centaur Website

Sleipnir or Sleipner (slep-nir) Scandinavian Mythology
The eight-legged horse of Odin.


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