Aquatic Inhabitants


All definitions are taken from Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, unless otherwise specified.

~Mermaids, Sirens & Selkies~

Mermaid or Sea-maid (mur-mad)
An imaginary female marine creature, having the head, torso, and arms of a woman and the tail of a fish.

Nerina's Mermaid Grotto
Sea Tails Online
The History of Mermaids
Mermaid Net
Galway's Medieval Mermaids
Mermaids, Undines and Sea Goddesses
Siren Song

Merman (mur-man)
An imaginary male marine creature having the head, torso, and arms of a man and the tail of a fish.

Triton (tri-ton)
1. A son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, represented as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish, and as using a conch-shell trumpet.
2. Any of a number of minor sea-deities attendant upon the major sea gods.

Selkie (sel-ki)
Not in Dictionary. An Irish marine creature, having the skin of a seal, and the body of a human when the skin is removed.

Siren (si-ren) Classical Mythology
One of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, supposed to lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.

Water Spirit Legends

~Sea Monsters~

Leviathan (le-vi-a-then) Bible
A sea monster, possibly the crocodile.

Sea Horse (see hors)
A fabled marine animal with the foreparts of a horse and the hind parts of a fish.

Hippocampus (hip-o-cam-pus) Classical Mythology
A sea horse with two forefeet, and a body ending in the tail of a dolphin or fish.

Sea Lion (see lion) Heraldry
A monster having the forepart of a lion, webbed forepaws, and the dorsal fin and tail of a fish.

Sea Serpent (see ser-pent)
An enormous, imaginary, snakelike or dragonlike marine animal.
The constellation "Hydra".

Kraken (kra-ken)
A legendary sea-monster causing large whirlpools off the coast of Norway.


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