The Tooth Faerie

The Tooth Faerie is a unique type of Faerie. She spends her days whizzing around Neopia giving people NeoPoints when they lose their teeth.

The many faces of The Tooth Faerie

Tooth Faerie Items
The Tooth Faerie
The Tooth Faerie
Say goodbye to Bagguss breath with this tasty peppermint mouth wash!
Green Mouth Wash
When you just cant get the taste of Sporkle Leg out of your mouth, rinse with this refreshing mouth wash!
Blue Mouth Wash
Get out those annoying bits of Grakle Bug and Tchea seeds with this spearmint dental floss.
Dental Floss
Cleaning your pets teeth with this medicinal toothbrush soothes sore gums and Neogitus.
Medicinal Toothbrush
Dental hygiene is important for all young creatures, especially those that love sweets and Neocola. Clean up those teeth with this neat brush.
Blue Toothbrush
Brush your teeth after every meal and your teeth will stay sparkling white!
Yellow Toothbrush
Brush your teeth after every meal and your teeth will stay sparkling white!
Pink Toothbrush
Brush your teeth after every meal and your teeth will stay sparkling white!
Green Toothbrush
Brush your teeth after every meal and your teeth will stay sparkling white!
Purple Toothbrush
This toothbrush has an angled neck to clean those hard to reach places.
Deluxe Blue Toothbrush
This toothbrush has an angled neck to clean those hard to reach places.
Deluxe Pink Toothbrush
Don't forget your toothbrush with this brightly coloured squid brush. Guaranteed for 150 uses. [Retired Item]
Helps prevent cavities and leaves your pets gnashers sparkling white!
Peppermint Toothpaste
No dental regime is complete without toothpaste. Yummy mint flavour.
Mint Flavoured Toothpaste
Strike fear into your enemy with these scary looking gnashers.
False Teeth
Teenage islanders traditionally collect these and give them to their sweethearts as gifts.
Cub Tooth
This magic tooth is from the great Lupurus himself. It is very sharp so be careful how you handle it. You can only use it once so use it wisely!
(Super) Lupurus Tooth

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