The Second Floor

There are exactly 48 stairs leading up to the next level. To the left and the right stretch identical hallways that seem to have no end. The walls on either side of each hallway are lined with evenly spaced , nearly identical doors. As you try to open them, you discover they all seem to be locked, though strange and sometimes horrible noises sound from behind some of the doors. The third door on the right, however, is not locked. You have just entered my bedchamber.

The heady fragrance of dried roses caresses your senses you as you enter. The room is huge, and is dominated by a large canopied bed draped with crimson sheets of satin. The canopy is of a matching hue in thick velvet, and a nightstand rests beside the bed, covered with various items. Among these are a Diary, and a Photo Album. A floor to ceiling window opens the wall opposite the door to a spectacular view, if you like watching burning souls. The curtains which drape the window are of the same fabric as the bed's canopy, giving the room an overall feeling of velvet redness. To the left of the window is a doorway which leads to a luxurious bathroom, richly carpeted to protect feet from the hard stone floor. Dried blood covers the walls and furniture in frenetic patterns. A large portrait hangs over the fireplace across from the bed, a depiction of a woman and a three headed dog. The small gold plaque at the base of the frame titles the picture as "Katarina and Donovan Mechant".


Read My Diary . Flip Through My Photo Album . View my Portrait Gallery

View the Weather Report . Return to the First Floor

Explore Odd Rooms . Return to the Entrance

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